Air Pockets Adventures

Many Private Pilots find the Night Rating to be the most meaningful upgrade to their PPL licence and choose to aquire it as soon as possible. Especially with shorter nights in Canadian North and during Winters, holding a Night Rating widens the horizons of where and when you could go. It will also add a lot of flexibility to flight planning and allow you to enjoy the night skies with less traffic and turbulence.
5 Hours (minimum) dual night flight time, including 2 hours dual cross country
5 Hours (minimum) solo night flight time, with a minimum of 10 take-offs and landings
10 Hours (minimum) dual Instrument flight time (5 hours from your Private Pilot Licence training)
Instrument Rating is truly the second most popular upgrade to the Private Pilot Licence. It makes you an ultimately safer pilot. It is not intended to let you fly into the weather but definitely helps a lot to get out of it in a safe and confident manner. Again, it adds a lot of flexibility to your flight planning as it allows to fly under the IFR rules. It also makes a lot of sense to acquire this rating if you are planning to continue your training towards the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL).
A minimum of 70% on the written examination Instrument Rating (INRAT)
50 hours of cross-country flight as PIC
40 hours of instrument time of which a maximum of 20 hours may be instrument ground time
5 hours of dual instrument acquired from the holder of an instructor rating
5 hours in aeroplanes where the applicant is applying for a Group 1, 2 or 3 rating
15 hours of dual instrument flight time provided by a qualified person as in section 425.21
one dual cross-country flight under simulated or actual IMC conditions of a minimum of 100 nautical miles, in accordance with an IFR flight plan to include at, 2 different locations, an instrument approach to minima


Multi-Engine Rating is required to operate aeroplanes with more than one engine (e.g. Cessna 310). Having two engines adds to the safety of long-distance flights with passengers and over the water.
Already possess a PPL or higher and have a valid Category 1 or Category 3 Medical Certificate
No ground school or formal flight time requirements
Successfully pass a flight test carried out by a Transport Canada Flight Test Examiner
Instructor Rating will allow you to teach students how to fly for the purpose of obtaining a permit, licence or rating.
Hold a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) and a valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
A total of 25 hours of ground instruction
A total of 30 Dual hours must be obtained, of which 5 hours must be instrument time
During this time you will gain extensive knowledge in giving in-flight instructions.